
30\03\171 min

Test: Which stock photography cliché are you?

April fool’s day calls for a little bit of silliness and a lot of laughter. For this occasion, we’ve put together a test that will determine which stock photo cliché you are. Your inner stock photo cliché can say a lot about you and your traits (for example, whether you like to have salad alone and laugh while you’re eating it). On the other hand, when we joke about these things, what we’re really saying is ‘no’ to stock photo cliches.

These clichés have all contributed to our fits of laughter and great appreciation for the (now) distant past when they were used. We certainly love them which is why we’ve put together this short test for you:

Take the fun test and pass it along! Everyone deserves to know their destined cliché calling on April fool’s day.
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Sandra is a former student at the University of Arts London with a distinctive passion for art and design. Currently a writer and editor at Depositphotos covering all the latest topics on photography, design and marketing.