Christina Golovach
Christina Golovach

02\07\181 min

Web Marketing Festival: We announce the winner of the Depositphotos draw


This summer is rich in events. In June, Depositphotos took part in Web Marketing Festival in Rimini, Italy. It was a global conference, which was dedicated to digital marketing, education, entertainment, and startups. More than 12.000 people attended this event and there were speakers from the world’s leading companies and brands.

As usual, everyone could take part in Depositphotos prize draw for a free subscription to our services. So it’s finally time to announce the winner: it’s Mr. Mariano Martucci from the company Sinapsia. It’s a design agency which creates ads, brand identity, packaging and web content. Congrats!


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Christina Golovach
Christina Golovach

Christina Golovach, a marketing manager at Depositphotos, helps people discover new ways to promote their products. She is passionate about art and believes that constant learning is the key to success. She writes about the latest trends in marketing, design, and digital advertising. Follow Christina on <a href="">LinkedIn </a>.