
21\06\182 min

Watch Out YouTube! Instagram TV is Here


Instagram has recently announced they’ve hit 1 billion active monthly users. To host a louder celebration, they’ve just released Instagram TV (IGTV). This milestone means that video isn’t going anywhere, and if anything we’ve all got yet to see just how influential this medium is. This is a new chapter for Instagram, and we’re here to spread the joy.

What is IGTV and how does it work?

IGTV is a feature that will appear on your Instagram homepage, taking you to see long-form videos from different creators. These videos can be up to an hour long. In comparison to the previous 1 minute limit, this is quite a treat.

Basically, every creator or Instagram user can have their own channel. The channels you follow will show up in your feed. It will be available for both Android and iOS.

You don’t have to search to watch videos, they simply start playing. You have the option of switching between “For You”, “Following”, “Popular” and “Continue Watching”. You can share this type of content through Direct and comment on the videos as well.


Image credit: Instagram Press

Don’t tell me there will there be commercials like on TV…

Don’t worry, it’s not the case. Instagram really focused on making it simple. It’s going to be very much like watching TV, except you don’t have to worry about annoying commercials. The videos will start playing when you open this extension of the app, the rest is quite intuitive.


Image credit: Instagram Press

Can anyone be a creator on IGTV?

IGTV isn’t just for celebrities and big names. Although many have already gotten on board, including comedian Kevin Hart, Selena Gomez and (big surprise) Kim Kardashian. Instagram made it a point that anyone can be a creator and upload their own videos to IGTV. Is it time you start your own channel? Get on board while the news is fresh!


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Sandra is a former student at the University of Arts London with a distinctive passion for art and design. Currently a writer and editor at Depositphotos covering all the latest topics on photography, design and marketing.