
30\11\181 min

Visual Trends 2019: Be the First to Find Out What’s New

popular visual trends 2019 depositphotos

You would think it’s the same story with the trends every year, but no! The changes happening in visual communication quick and certainly unpredictable. What’s exciting is that after months of research, we stumbled on some things that are brand new, refreshing and inspiring. See our full trends report today about ideas and visuals that we’ll all be a part of:

Show me the trends!

We put together our trends projects with a special approach. We talk to Depositphotos contributors, international photographers we interview, designers, and our inhouse content curators to bring you the trends that will probably spread like wildfire in the coming year. Our creative community is involved, and here’s a special thanks to everyone – you made the project possible.

Another interesting fact about our project this year, is that we partnered up with the Tilda team who came up with a design for our trends. Another fun fact on visual trends 2019 – there’s not a line of code on the website. Tilda simplifies creating a website, and check out what they came up with this year.

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Sandra is a former student at the University of Arts London with a distinctive passion for art and design. Currently a writer and editor at Depositphotos covering all the latest topics on photography, design and marketing.