Anastasiya Mozgovaya
Anastasiya Mozgovaya

16\12\213 min

The Pantone Color of the Year 2022: Image and Video Collection

The Pantone Color Institute has finally revealed its color of the year for 2022, and its name is PANTONE 17-3938 Very Peri. In recent years, the company has become the main trendsetter when it comes to color, so this is big news for creatives and companies.

Our team of content curators have selected a collection of dynamic visuals inspired by Very Peri. Keep on reading to find out more about the color of the year for 2022 and how you can use it in your projects.

See collection

*By clicking on the images, you will be redirected to the Depositphotos website where you can purchase them.

What we know about the Pantone color for 2022

PANTONE 17-3938 Very Peri is an embodiment of numerous transformations that our world is going through right now.

For the past two years, we’ve had to give up on our plans for the sake of our common well-being and future. We’ve experienced isolation and we’re cautiously making a comeback. There’s tension and fear, but there’s also hope and gratitude. According to the Pantone Color Institute, PANTONE 17-3938 Very Peri represents confidence, curiosity, and creativity.

Our digital and physical lives have never been as intertwined as they are right now. But based on upcoming trends, this will be even more prevalent in the future. And the color of 2022 represents this significant change as well. It emphasizes the impact digital design has on the world we live in, and it invites us to embrace it.

There’s no normal to go back to. Instead, we can use our imagination to build a completely different world. We have a chance to question all the standards we used to abide by, and come up with new ones that serve humanity better. We can benefit from technological advancement and make our lives more fulfilling in both physical and digital environments.

Our future is in our hands, and there’s PANTONE 17-3938 Very Peri to make it even bolder and brighter!

How you can use the Pantone color for 2022

Pattern making

PANTONE 17-3938 Very Peri pattern

Fashion design

The Pantone Color of the Year 2022

Metaverse reality

Person in meta verse

Cooking and baking

meringue pie with blueberry cream

Hairstyle makeover

Very peri haircolor

Game design

Video game scenario

Fine art photography

Art photography

Product branding

PANTONE 17-3938 Very Peri skincare branding

Futuristic illustrations

Astronaut on abandoned planet

Lifestyle content

Matcha making process

Pantone color of 2022 Wallpapers

City landscape

View of Bangkok City

Abstract art

PANTONE 17-3938 Very Peri Abstract art

Peaceful nature

Mount Saint Helens covered in snow

See collection

The color of the year decision is always based on complex trend analysis and nuanced consideration of various factors. And then this choice impacts a number of industries, such as product, graphic, and industrial design, fashion, packaging, home furnishings, and more.

On the brink of 2022, Pantone Color Institute invites us to be creative and inventive! This is exactly what the world needs the most right now. Explore our curated PANTONE 17-3938 Very Peri collection for inspiration and ideas. Hopefully, it will help you be courageous in your creative endeavors next year!

Sunset over mountaintop

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Anastasiya Mozgovaya
Anastasiya Mozgovaya

Anastasiya is an experienced content writer who is into reading, blogging, and podcasting.