Serhii Tkachenko
Serhii Tkachenko

23\08\246 min

The Benefits of Using Licensed AI Content for Brand Image

If we were to choose a title for the marketing world in 2024, it would definitely be the year of rapid generative AI implementation in business. According to the latest McKinsey Global Survey, the percentage of organizations regularly using gen AI has almost doubled over the past ten months, from 33% to 65%. In addition, more and more businesses see the practical value of adopting the latest technologies, mainly reflected in cost reduction and increased revenue.

Along with undeniable advantages, the risks of generative AI also remain an essential consideration. To address these concerns, the gen technology market continues bringing new solutions that deliver value without compromise. A great example of such a service is the Depositphotos AI Image Generator, designed to help businesses create commercially safe content. Haven’t tried it yet? Enter your unique request right now and see what this tool can do.

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Screenshot AI Image Generator by Depositphotos

In this article, we’ll cover why it is vital for brands to choose AI tools to produce licensed content and why the Image Generator by Depositphotos is a winning choice for any business purpose.

Key points about AI content licensing

In simple terms, licensing defines how you can use content. It may include the rights to copy, modify, publish, or commercially exploit files. When you utilize AI content for personal purposes, such as posting on your social media page, there is no need to worry about licensing. However, the situation is quite different when it comes to large-scale distribution or business purposes.

In the case of generative AI content, the issue of licensing is tricky for several reasons:

  • The mechanism of content generation often lacks transparency and clarity. AI models use vast amounts of data that are difficult to track and verify, making it problematic to identify authors and sources of the content AI uses for training.
  • Some AI models train on copyrighted works as well. This causes legal confusion, as there is no means of checking whether this has affected the final result and, therefore, whether it’s a copyright infringement.
  • Although different countries are working on AI legislation bases, this field currently has no unified regulatory framework. That is why universal standards for licensing generative content don’t exist.

Does this mean that it’s impossible to get licensed AI content today? Absolutely not. Let’s cover how to obtain generative images licensed solely for you.

AI-generated image of astronauts Depositphotos AI Generator

AI solution for creating licensed content

The answer to the problem of generative content licensing is responsible AI. This means that the development and use of generative models are based on the principles of ethics, transparency, and fairness, minimizing the risks associated with AI and enhancing positive results. Such responsible solutions are offered by, which Depositphotos has partnered with to design its own Image Generator.

But how does achieve the safety and transparency of its AI models? The secret is that they are trained entirely on licensed and certified data, which guarantees protection against copyright and privacy issues. Moreover, the platform ensures diversity, fairness, and unbiasedness. All these principles were implemented in our AI Image Generator, enabling users to create high-quality licensed content in a few clicks.

All images created with Depositphotos AI Generator are provided under the Standard license, which is suitable for most digital and print uses:

  • Digital: websites, banners, emails, presentations, videos, TV ads, software for PC and mobile devices, personal use, and more.
  • Print: business cards, flyers, posters, newspapers and magazines, printed advertisements, book covers and illustrations, and more.

The only limitation of the Standard License is that you cannot use generated images to design items for resale and free distribution, especially when the image plays a major role in the item and adds value to it. Printing over 500,000 copies of materials with generated images is also prohibited. Besides that, you can use the created content as you wish. Moreover, each file generated through your prompt is licensed exclusively for you. Simply put, it won’t be available to others and won’t appear in the Depositphotos library.

Curious about what content you can create with the AI Image Generator? Check out a custom collection of visuals generated by our content curators.

See Collection

Amazing Images Generated with Depositphotos AI small dragon

Why brands should use licensed AI content

1. Quality assurance

Licensing ensures that the visuals you generate meet standards for quality, diversity, and the absence of biases and misconceptions. Such results come from reliable databases used by responsible AI tools. In addition, the unified standards for content creation help achieve consistency in visual communication, which is a key element of brand recognition.

2. Legal compliance

Although AI legislation is still a territory without clear rules, a number of key market players, from OpenAI to Meta, have already faced lawsuits for copyright infringement. By relying on licensed content, brands can reduce legal risks, as in this case, the possibility of rights violation is almost zero. Moreover, licenses set clear rules for content utilization, which minimize the likelihood of misuse.

3. Time and cost-effectiveness

Anyone who has tried free image generators knows how challenging it can be to get the desired results. While ensuring high quality, tools like the Depositphotos AI Generator allow users to save time and effort—they are more likely to deliver excellent output immediately. All you need to do is formulate your prompt correctly.

4. Customization and scalability

Licensed content offers more opportunities for adaptation and scaling, allowing brands to use it in different formats and for different purposes. As a result, you get a chance to reach new markets and audience segments without extra spendings on content production.

5. Strengthening professional image

By leveraging licensed AI content, brands showcase their commitment to excellence and professionalism. It can positively impact brand perception and reputation, enhancing their reliability and appeal among customers and partners.

To sum up

Exploring the world of AI content opens up new creative horizons for businesses. However, to make this journey smooth and hassle-free, choosing reliable and responsible AI tools that grant access to licensed content is crucial. That’s exactly what our AI Image Generator offers. Try it right now to see how effortlessly and quickly you can get unique, high-quality, licensed content.

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