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Lessons from Our Top 5 Best Selling Images


Whether you’re a beginner or a professional, you must wonder what makes for a winning photograph. To answer your question, we take a look at the top best selling stock images to uncover what makes an outstanding photograph. The images are presented in no particular order, they simply reflect the rise of new aesthetics.

1. The modern office

top stock photography images


What makes this image stand out is that there is a genuine feel to this photograph. The environment can be associated with a number of different professions. The image is appealing in more ways than one. The lighting is excellent and the emotions make the image relatable.

A good way to approach a similar theme is to take pictures of people interacting as opposed to your models paying attention to the camera. If you’re taking pictures of people at work, keep in mind that the modern workplace is evolving and documenting this change fills the missing gap in photographs of workplaces.

2. Flat lay composition

best selling stock photography


This shot stands out thanks to the orderly chaos on a creative desk and the addition of a few surprising elements. There is a refreshing pop of color in the photograph that is slightly unexpecting. Minimalism, color emphasis and point of view can all be attributed to the success of the image.

Playing around with your compositions and adding interesting visual elements will elevate your photographs. Minimalism has always been in demand so keep an open mind to the possibility of simplifying your shots to include the essential elements.

3. Father and son

best stock photography pictures


An image that captures true emotions is one that will resonate with many. This is the case for this photograph that represents the joys of parenthood. Above all other artistic elements, it’s an image that depicts sincere emotions.

When taking pictures of people, your goal should be to capture the sincere moments when genuine emotion comes through. This can mean taking pictures of your models when they least expect it to capture believable emotions and actions.

4. Celebrating at the beach

top stock photographs


Another example of a photograph that depicts an emotion – joy. There is also a touch of the unexpected in the composition of the image. It is not perfect, and that’s what makes it stand out.

Unusual angles and different points of view are more likely to catch the attention of your customers. Remember that there are a million ways to document everyday life and taking pictures from new angles will help you stand out.

5. Family joys

top stock photography


Aside from composition, the lighting in this shot is excellent. The image is beautifully captured and translates a ‘feel good’ vibe. It’s sentimental, sincere and not staged.

Pay attention to the lighting in your photographs. In a pool of studio shot images, the ones with natural lighting will always stand out. Take images during different times of the day to experiment with lighting. Ultimately,  natural lighting and relatable situations are what make the everyday life shots come to life.

Studies have shown that the formula to a winning photograph isn’t complex. Photographs should be relatable. If they include people, they should depict sincere emotions. Some of the current trends include authenticity in photographs, natural lighting and creative angles. Looking at our top selling photographs, it is safe to conclude that these trends are here to stay.

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Sandra is a former student at the University of Arts London with a distinctive passion for art and design. Currently a writer and editor at Depositphotos covering all the latest topics on photography, design and marketing.