
02\12\162 min

Here are the Top Drone Photographs of 2016

There has been a surge in popularity of drone photography over the past few years. Drones are no longer mystical tools of the military but instead a handy device that has become quite affordable. Those that get their hands on one put it to good use and we are able to appreciate our world from a fresh perspective.

Today, drones are accessible to  many and give room to experimentation with photography. If we use travel photography as an example, drones allow us to see ordinary locations from outstanding angles that have never been seen before. The possibilities with drones are many, and with their appearance on the market, trends in photography are shifting.

Drone photography is a chance to see something new, unexpected and original. It is seeing the angles that we have never seen before that makes this category of photography so exciting. Without a doubt, drone photography is mesmerising. The gliding shots define this decade of infatuation with photography.

Winners of the 2016 Dronestagram Contest

Today we take a look at the winners of the Dronestagram contest. Many have used drones to capture unbelievable images from remote locations. Over 6000 works were submitted to this year’s contest. The judges selected winners according to categories.

Sport and adventure category – 1st place

drone-photography-contest-winner-sports-and-adventureImage credit: Max Siegal

Nature and wildlife category – 1st place

drone-photography-contest-winner-nature-and-wildlifeImage credit: Michael B Rasmussen

Travel category – 1st place

drone-photography-contest-winner-travel-categoryImage credit: Francesco Cattuto

Sports and adventure category – 2nd place

drone-photography-contest-2nd-place-winner-sports-and-adventureImage credit: Juan Pablo Bayona

Nature and wildlife category – 2nd place

drone-photography-contest-2nd-place-nature-and-wildlife-categoryImage credit: Szabolcs Ignacz

Travel category – 2nd place

drone-photography-contest-2nd-travel-categoryImage credit: Todd Kennedy

Sports and adventure category – 3rd place

drone-photography-contest-3rd-place-winner-sports-and-adventureImage credit: Tj Balon

Nature and wildlife category – 3rd place

drone-photography-contest-3rd-place-winner-nature-and-wildlifeImage credit: Jonathan Payet

Travel category – 3rd place

drone-photography-contest-3rd-place-winner-travel-categoryImage credit: Karolis Janulis

It is no surprise that drone photography has become one of the trends in stock photography for 2017. To see more shots and find images you can use in your publications, check out our database for drone photography.

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Sandra is a former student at the University of Arts London with a distinctive passion for art and design. Currently a writer and editor at Depositphotos covering all the latest topics on photography, design and marketing.