Anna Timarevska
Anna Timarevska

24\02\233 min

Depositphotos Becomes a Content Partner for The Country of Freedom Project

Depositphotos has joined the creation of the Country of Freedom project for Dedicated to the anniversary of Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine, this video series demonstrates that freedom is the genetic code of Ukrainians and the highest value worth fighting for.

2022 became a year of resilience and struggle for Ukraine’s independence and future. Ukrainians inspired millions of people around the world with their courage, iron will, strong spirit, and stance on defending freedom.

Ukraine is a country of freedom. For Ukrainians, freedom has many different forms. The Country of Freedom video series follows 4 areas in which the freedom of Ukrainian people reveals itself.

Depositphotos став контент-партнером проєкту Country of Freedom

1. Freedom of being unique

It’s about the authenticity and courage to be genuine and remain yourself. To live in Ukraine means to value your uniqueness above all and to not be afraid about expressing it in a variety of forms, both physical and emotional.

2. Freedom of being diverse

It’s about diversity and freedom to choose your faith, traditions, career, love, style, place of residence, and more. It’s about respecting those who are different and protecting their rights.

3. Freedom of being inventive

It’s about the irrepressible desire to create, experiment, implement unique ideas, and build a better future. To live in Ukraine means to be free to choose your career and field of activity, to be free to create the impossible.

4. Freedom of being vocal

It’s about the freedom to express yourself and your values, as well as about freedom of speech in a democratic country. It’s about the right to speak up and to be heard all around the world.

About is an ecosystem of Ukraine’s official digital platforms used to communicate and interact with international audiences worldwide; it has a regular audience of over 2 million people. It includes the official website of Ukraine, as well as official social media profiles on Facebook, Instagram, Spotify, LinkedIn, TikTok, Twitter, and YouTube. The project is managed and developed by BRAND UKRAINE in close cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.’s mission is to show the real Ukraine and encourage people to join the global movement for freedom and a better future.

Image bank Ukraine Depositphotos

The website hosts “Ukraine” image bank with content provided by Depositphotos and talented Ukrainian photographers. It contains images illustrating picturesque Ukrainian nature, architecture, monuments, modern cities, culture, cuisine, and more. The photos are free of charge for non-commercial purposes to promote Ukraine abroad.

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Anna Timarevska
Anna Timarevska

Anna is an experienced editor and copywriter who has been immersed in the world of content for more than ten years. From design basics and marketing strategies to self-development tips—she is passionate about discovering new things and sharing the best findings with our readers.