
18\11\131 min

Clashot receives the prestigious Best agency Mobile app Award!

So, Microstock Expo 2013, eh? In one word – amazing. Exhausting, but truly amazing. The team has made it through with flying colors, lots of old friends, lots of new friendships, countless bytes of new info and of course, the Best agency Mobile app Awards for Clashot. This level of recognition means not just being planted firmly on the mobile photography applications map. It means that the future of mobile photography is now impossible without Clashot – plain and simple. Naturally, congratulations to us all but we don’t intend to rest on our laurels for too long. The team is rolling up the sleeves and getting back to work – it is Monday, after all. Cheers!

Clashot receives the best agency Mobile app Award on Microstock Expo 2013


Left to right: Maria Gordienko (Depositphotos, Sales manager), Elena Flanagan-Eister (Depositphotos, CEO) and Vadim Nekhai (Depositphotos, CMO)

Elena Flanagan-Eister on stage receiving the Best agency Mobile app Awards for Clashot

Elena Flanagan-Eister on stage receiving the Best agency Mobile app Awards for Clashot

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