
08\12\173 min

Best of Website Design: 16 Designs of the Year From Awwwards

Whether you’re a designer, a photographer, a marketer or work with an online business, it doesn’t hurt to learn a thing or two from website design. Especially award winning designs. We’ll be looking at the top 18 website designs of 2017 as voted on by the Awwwards community.

Awwwards is a professional development and web design competition body. Their interests lie in promoting the best of innovative web design. Developers are free to submit their websites to compete, and each year there is a prize ceremony held at an Awwwards ceremony to award the best designs.

First, websites are submitted to be voted as ‘Site of the Day’, which is judged by the Awwwards community and an international jury of designers, developers, and agencies. As the year comes to an end, the best entries are added to the “The 365 Best Websites Around the World” book. The next phase is ‘Site of the Month’ which determines the contestants for ‘Site of the Year’, mentioned in our piece on 23 Beautiful Website Designs From Awwwards

Lets dive into the stand-out website designs this year.

1. KIKK Festival 2016

by Dogstudio from Belgium

awwwards-sotd-KIKK-Festival-best of website design

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2. Because Recollection

by 84.Paris from France

recollection-site best of website design

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3. In Pieces

by Bryan James from Netherlands

In-Pieces-awwwards best of website design

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4. Falter Inferno

by WILD from Austria

awwwards-sotd-Falter-Inferno-1best of website design

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5. Weber – BBQ Cultures

by UncleGrey from Denmark


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6. Paper Planes

by Active Theory from U.S.A.

awwwards-sotd-paperplanes-best of website design

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7. Beagle – Better proposals

by Spring/Summer from Denmark


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8. Cavalier: Conqueror of Excellence

by Your Majesty from U.S.A.

awwwards-sotd-Cavalier-Conqueror-of-Excellence-best of website design

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by Anonymous from France


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10. AQuest

by AQuest. from Italy

aquest-web-agency best of website design

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11. Nixon eCommerce Platform

by BASIC from U.S.A.

nixon-watches best of website design

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12. Dragone

by Dogstudio from Belgium

dragone-website best of website design

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13. Blacknegative

by Sylvain Tran from France

Blacknegative_best of website design

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14. Into the Arctic – Greenpeace

by Hello Monday from Denmark


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15. Made in a Free World: Slavery Footprint

by UNIT9 from United Kingdom


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16. 360° Langstrasse Zürich

by Hinderling Volkart AG from Switzerland


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For more website inpiration, check out our piece on 23 Beautiful Website Designs From Awwwards.

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Sandra is a former student at the University of Arts London with a distinctive passion for art and design. Currently a writer and editor at Depositphotos covering all the latest topics on photography, design and marketing.