Mariia Lozhko
Mariia Lozhko

20\12\228 min

Depositphotos Made It to 250M Files! Explore 10 Key Features for Clients and Authors

At the end of 2022, Depositphotos celebrates another outstanding achievement—Thanks to the global community of contributors and our creative team, we reached 250+ million files, proving ourselves as one of the largest stock platforms in the world.

250 million files is a lot! If you compare our photos, videos, and music to people, their quantity equals the population of Germany, France, Great Britain, and Italy together!

Depositphotos Made It to 250M Files

Depositphotos is not only about quantity, but also about numerous benefits to authors and customers. In 2021, we celebrated our previous milestone (200 million files) with a research-based project focused on stock content creation and search trends. This time, we’re recalling our essential features that make customers save time and allow authors to stay visible.


10 lesser-known Depositphotos features that help clients and authors find each other

#1 Search by Image

Depositphotos Made It to 250M Files

If you already have a visual reference—Don’t waste time on finding the words to describe what you’re looking for! Just upload your picture to the search bar or go to the reverse image search page.

You can use any images as references, including your archive photos, random low-quality images from the Internet, screenshots from videos, or even images previously downloaded from Depositphotos. We will find the most similar images in our library in seconds!

Why it’s good for authors. Even if your content has weak keywording, it will be found.

Search by image


#2 Inspire me!

Depositphotos Made It to 250M Files

Hit a dead end? Trust our AI to create an inspiring selection of content just for you. Press “Inspire me!” in the list of suggested keywords or scroll down to the Recently Viewed section of the home page and find the “Inspire me!” button over a file preview. Inspirational search results are based on your previous preferences and Depositphotos customer demands.

Why it’s good for authors. Even if you upload content on a highly competitive topic, an interested client will discover you.

Inspire me!


#3 Keyword suggestions & Search tips 

Depositphotos Made It to 250M Files

And here is one more way to simplify and accelerate your content search! If you only have a general idea of what you need, just start typing out your search query and we’ll give you some ideas based on other users’ requests. You can also enjoy selections on your topic using suggestions (tips) underneath the search bar.

Why it’s good for authors. As we help clients switch from general to more specific keywords, your niche content becomes more likely to be found.

Start search


#4 Advanced search filters 

At Depositphotos, we are constantly improving our search filters to let clients quickly find files and contributors they’ll enjoy.

Regarding image search, our recent improvements include Orientation, People, Contributor, Color, Location, Season, and many other filters. In addition, you can exclude renders, editorial content, and specific keywords from your search results. And if you are searching for music tracks or sound effects, filter results by length, mood, genre, or contributor.

Why it’s good for authors. Create and upload multiple versions of a visual (different portraiture, orientation, point of view, etc.) so that clients can find a file that perfectly matches their project. Filters will help them narrow their search results.

Search now


#5 Add to Favorites 

Depositphotos Made It to 250M Files

Found a few images, but aren’t sure which one is the best fit for your creative project? What about creating a mood board at the project planning stage and sharing your findings with your team? In this cases, Favorites is the perfect tool to save your time and budget! Create shareable collections of favorite files (images, music, or videos from our library) and download them anytime.

To add any file to the Favorites folder, click the star sign by hovering and choose (or create) a folder to store the file in. You can adjust your folders later by changing their names, covers, and by color-coding files.

Why it’s good for authors. If a user saves your content to Favorites, they’re likely to come back to it, share it with others, and even see your content in search results more often. That means higher purchase chances.

Go to Favorites


#6 Find similar files 

Have you ever found an image that almost reflects your ideas, but the color scheme, composition, or angle is off? Try the “Find Similar Images” function! You can view similar images directly from the preview of the image you like or its pop-up. The same feature is available for videos.

Why it’s good for authors. If you work in a particular style or upload your content on a specific topic, a client is more likely to stumble upon you, even if your profile doesn’t have a high ranking or you are not sure about keywords.

Start video search


#7 Follow favorite authors 

Depositphotos Made It to 250M Files

It’s important to maintain a consistent visual style in your projects. For that matter, you can subscribe to your favorite author’s updates. As new content appears in their portfolio, we’ll let you know on the homepage or in the “Following Authors” section. Click the “Follow” button on their profile to follow the contributor.

Why it’s good for authors. Followers are a loyal audience to sell your new works to. If you add your social media account or personal website to your profile description, you can start building a community around your art.

Check Following Authors


#8 Get free help from our content curators

Can’t find the file you need? Form a content request for our creative team in a couple of clicks! Enter keywords, scroll through your search results, and find the “Get help” button (after file previews). Fill in the Live Chat form and specify your request for a curated selection of images, videos, or audio tracks on a specific topic. The assistance is free for all Depositphotos clients.

Why it’s good for authors. Depositphotos content curators know what content there is on the platform. They can hand-pick your works and offer them to a client who are looking.

Start content search


#9 View same author, series, or model  

Depositphotos Made It to 250M Files

Tell a story with a series of images or videos, or choose files that best suit your creative project in terms of composition, number of people in the frame, or angle. To see files from the same series or featuring the same models, click on the image preview and choose the desired option in the pop-up.

Why it’s good for authors. The feature lets clients buy from you more. For example, download a series of images for a collage or several videos to develop a visual story on social media.

Find content


#10 Weekly Free Files updates 

Free Files are a convenient way to evaluate the benefits of using Depositphotos before purchasing a plan or subscription. The library includes photos, vectors, illustrations, videos, and editorial content on various topics. There are 67+ thousand files that are regularly updated. Moreover, every week, you can receive notifications about new arrivals.

Why it’s good for authors. Authors can agree to temporarily include their files in the Free Files collection, which increases their profile reach and allows them to get higher positions in general search results.

Get free files


Want to learn more about how to use Depositphotos effectively? Watch our onboarding videos!

Check out Tutorials in your client profile to quickly get accustomed to our platform and free tools for creatives, such as Background Remover for images and videos, and Image Upscaler. You’ll find secret tips, new feature guides, and more. All in video format to save your time.

And if you’d like your colleagues and friends to enjoy Depositphotos services too,why not get paid for referring them? Jump into our Refer & Earn program and get 40% of your friend’s first purchase.

Depositphotos Made It to 250M Files


Read other articles on important news and updates: 

Depositphotos Review 2022: Services, Pricing & Other Details

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Depositphotos Has A New Logo! See How We Updated Our Brand Identity

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Mariia Lozhko
Mariia Lozhko

Mariia is a marketing and PR writer with over 10 years of experience. As a blog author, she covers topics related to creativity trends, marketing, business performance, and productivity. She also has AI and project management expertise.