Anastasiya Mozgovaya
Anastasiya Mozgovaya

11\10\217 min

10 Photo and Video Collections to Illustrate Creative Jobs

Creative jobs can be challenging in a variety of ways, especially when you need to illustrate them visually. Let’s say you’re recruiting for remote jobs, planning new campaigns to promote your services, or implementing a new content strategy for your channels. In these and other cases, you need strong visuals to achieve more effective results.

Typical stock photos tend to look staged and unnatural. They often lack diversity and appealing aesthetics. Luckily, you don’t need to put up with that anymore. Our content curators have put together 10 visual collections that depict creative jobs; from content writers, to fashion designers and social media managers.

Keep on scrolling to explore them. You’ll no longer have to spend hours searching for relevant, high-quality content.

How to engage creative people through visuals


A high-paying creative field that also requires a very specific skill set. Using standard photos of buildings might prevent you from attracting architects that meet your requirements. But high-quality visual assets can help you stand out among your competitors. Depending on the task at hand, you can select visuals that feature architects performing a number of tasks in various settings: drawing, communicating with colleagues, working on a layout, presenting to clients, and more.

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Creative writing

Using visual content from our collection will allow you to demonstrate a diverse range of scenarios outside of the literary world. Our content marketplace has over 220 million stock images, so you can incorporate very specific details. For example, you can find content on topics such as working from home vs being a part of a noisy team, or writing in a cozy cafe vs a bustling coworking space in the city.

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If you are fed up with generic photos from an overlit dance studio or a fake nightclub, we’ve got you covered. Our content curators have selected a sophisticated collection of images and videos that features dancers of different ages and backgrounds. You can choose ones that best represent your target audience.

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By reaching out to designers with bad visuals, you put your own projects at risk. Make sure that your initial interaction is not only professional, but also pleasing to the eye. And if you are looking for particular skills – you can make it clear not only through text, but also through visuals.

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Digital Marketing

One could say that this is a very promising field with high-paying jobs for creatives. And since they are the ones dealing with content at all times, it’s important to get it right. Look for visuals that are based on insights about your audience, their pain points, lifestyles, or aspirations. Having access to high-quality visuals increases your chances of getting your message across.

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Speaking the same visual language is especially important when it comes to fashion. You don’t need to waste your time scrolling through endless pages of visuals before you find anything worthy. This thematic collection features hand-picked visuals of womenswear and menswear designers, people working solo and in teams, and new pieces being drawn, sewn, or fitted.

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Music and sound production

As we’ve already mentioned, it can be challenging to represent jobs that require creative visuals. This particular case proves this point, but we’re here to help you out. No matter who you are looking for – a studio engineer, a sound editor, a producer, or a mastering engineer – it is important to demonstrate that you understand who they are and what their work entails. This approach will help you save a ton of time and energy.

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If you want to commission an artist, advertise creative classes, or illustrate an article about painters, then organizing a photoshoot is unnecessary. Choose the more efficient route by using high-quality stock visuals that are relevant to your project. There are a variety of options with painters of different demographics.

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Social media

Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp may have been down a few times recently, but they’re not going anywhere. Social media remains popular among creative thinkers, so it’s a good idea to visualize this creative sphere effectively. Of course, everything will look different depending on who your target audience is. On top of that, the last quarter of the year is always extremely busy in terms of holidays and events. Our collection is full of images that you can easily access and use whenever.

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Video production and cinema

We recently found out that 85% of users would like to see more video content from businesses in 2021. So, the competition is constantly growing, but choosing the right visuals can help you get in touch with experts that meet your expectations. Make it clear that you understand their needs, and that you are on the same page in terms of what their work process is like.

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You’re All Set!

Creative fields are as appealing as ever, which is good news, but it’s also a challenge due to the increased demand for talent among companies.

Save these stock photo and video collections that were carefully selected by our curators to meet your business needs. You can use them to create engaging content, high-performing ads, or update your website on a regular basis. You can use every photo or video you buy as many times as you like. Ensure a streamlined workflow with powerful and relevant visual assets.

If you are venturing out into more formats, keep in mind that our content marketplace also includes vector art and royalty-free music.

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Anastasiya Mozgovaya
Anastasiya Mozgovaya

Anastasiya is an experienced content writer who is into reading, blogging, and podcasting.